AES Uitgaan: how does it affect you?

The EU Exit process changes due to the implementation of AES (Automated Export System). Because of amended EU regulations (UCC), Customs and declarants must alter the systems they use to register goods exiting the EU. Do you export goods that leave the EU? Or are you a software developer working on the systems registering this? Read about how AES Uitgaan affects you.

Always file an arrival notification

The party that has transported the goods to the customs office of exit must always report the arrival of the shipment at the exit location by way of an arrival notification filed with the customs exit office. The automatic arrival notification if the customs office of export is also the customs office of exit will be no longer required.

The current exceptions for provisions and transport will continue to be in place:

  • For provision dispatches with proper reference to the export declaration, the arrival notification is made within the provision reporting system.
  • For subsequent transport declarations with proper reference to the export declaration, the arrival notification is made under the regime of the transport declaration (NCTS).

ARX becomes AAX

The AAX notification replaces the current ARX (Arrival-at-Exit) notification used to report the arrival of the goods to the customs exit office. Using this new arrival notification, the party reporting the goods at the exit site may also report changes to the goods or the packaging to Customs, for example when there are fewer, more, or different goods, or when the type of packaging changes, such as when the goods are transferred to a container.

Electronic Re-Export Notification

The Re-Export Notification (REN) will become an electronic notification with fixed notification specifications. This means that reporting will no longer be free of specific formalities. The REN will be provided with an MRN (Master Reference Number). The temporary storage declaration (TSD) can be terminated or cleared automatically on the basis of the REN. If non-Union goods are directly re-exported from the space for temporary storage (STS) within 14 days from their deposit in the STS, a REN must be filed.

Exit Summary Declaration becomes EXD

The EXD declaration will replace the EXS declaration, the current summary exit declaration. This will allow for automatically terminating temporary storage. An EXD must be filed if no export declaration needs to be filed for Union goods exiting the EU or no re-export declaration needs to be filed for non-Union goods. EXDs are most commonly filed in the case of re-export from an STS, when the term of storage in the STS exceeds 14 days (also refer to the REN, above).

No more arrival notification after exit

The Arrival-at-Exit notification (AAX) will no longer be accepted if the goods have already exited the EU. At present, it is still possible to report the arrival within 7 days from the goods having exited.

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