Temporary storage of goods
With temporary storage non-Union goods are stored for a short period, awaiting placement under a customs procedure or re-export of the goods.
Temporary storage of goods is possible:
- after bringing non-Union goods into the customs area of the Union
- after terminating the customs transport scheme
Will you not immediately place goods with status goods in temporary storage under a customs procedure? Then these goods must be stored in a building or at a site that has been approved for this storage.
Space for temporary storage
The space for temporary storage (STS) offers the possibility to store goods that enter the customs area of the EU, awaiting a more specific customs procedure or until they are re-exported.
Storage period
The period of storage is limited to 90 days. A longer period is not possible.
Who can use a space for temporary storage?
In principle everyone can make use of an STS. In practice the temporary storage is mainly used by companies dealing with loading and unloading ships and aeroplanes in international traffic. The manager of the space is liable towards Customs for the stored goods. The storage space must have been approved by Customs.
Applying for an authorisation
If you want to manage an STS, you need an authorisation. You apply for the authorisation via the EU Trader Portal. For more information, go to the 'Completion instructions EU Trader Portal – Authorisation for a space for temporary storage (STS)' (only available in Dutch).
A security deposit is required for the storage in an STS.
More information
You can find more information about this permit in the Explanation and General Conditions (only available in Dutch) and in the Customs Manual (only available in Dutch).