Filing excise duty and consumer taxes returns
There are three types of excise duty and consumer taxes returns:
- periodic
- weekly
- daily
You make these declarations in Mijn Douane.
Periodic declarants
- authorised holders of an excise warehouse
- authorised holders of an establishment for goods liable to consumer taxes
- tax representatives
Points to bear in mind
- When you are required to file periodic excise duty and consumer taxes returns you will be issued a tax return letter with the payment reference. The letter states the latest dates on which we must have received your return and payment.
- No further payment information will be sent to you.
Weekly declarants
- authorised holders, registered addressees
- recipients of goods liable to consumer taxes
Points to bear in mind
They must file returns and pay excise duty and consumer taxes by no later than the Friday of the week after the week in which they received the excise goods and goods liable to consumer taxes.
Daily declarants
Daily declarants are all declarants who are not periodic declarants or weekly declarants. Daily declarants must file returns and pay excise duty and consumer taxes by no later than the day after the day on which they received the excise goods and goods liable to consumer taxes.
Points to bear in mind
The following are of importance to the digital daily and weekly excise duty and consumer taxes returns:
- You receive your payment reference via Mijn Douane.
- You will not receive any further payment information.