Can I get help?

Sometimes, it’s nice to have someone support you. Especially if you don’t know the Dutch language very well. You might have questions about money, adjusting your income or financial worries. You can find help in various ways and places.

Please note

The help offered is often in Dutch. We therefore advise you to bring someone with you who speaks Dutch.

Benefits Service Points (Toeslagenservicepunten)

Do you have questions or concerns about money? Or would you like help changing your income details for us? You can visit a Benefits Service Point (Toeslagenservicepunt) near you. The people helping you there are community service providers, such as social counsellors, who work for welfare organisations, or neighbourhood teams (Buurtteams).

Please note

Are you going to a Benefits Service Point? Always bring a valid proof of identity, such as a passport or identity card. Please also bring the letter you received from us.


You can also turn to Geldfit for help if you have questions or concerns about money.

Geldfit can help you anonymously and free of charge if you have money concerns. Take the quick test on to discover where you can find assistance. The site provides personal contact and lists organisations near you that can help. Call for free at 0800 - 8115. Geldfit also offers an online chat.

Getting help at public libraries

You can also go to a nearby library. Most public libraries can help you with your benefits, often during a specific (walk-in) consultation hour. Many libraries also have information points for digital government services (in Dutch: Informatiepunt Digitale Overheid or IDO). There, you can get help with digital government tasks, such as logging in with DigiD.


Check with your library in advance to see what help is available and when, to avoid disappointment.

Contact information line or visit service desk

You can call our Tax information line for non-Resident Tax Issues for free at +31 555 385 385.

We are available to take your call Monday to Thursday between 8.00 a.m. and 20.00 p.m. and on Friday between 8.00 a.m. and 17.00 p.m. You can also make a call appointment, so we can call when it suits you.

Visit one of our offices

If we cannot help you over the phone, you can also visit a service desk. Before you do so, please make appointment online (only available in Dutch).

Family or friends

You can authorise someone to make changes in the Mijn toeslagen section for you, such as a family member or a trusted friend. Apply for authorisation through DigiD Machtigen (only available in Dutch). You will receive a login code at home for the person who is helping you.

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