AES Uitgaan: planning

The EU Exit (Single Window) is changing. As an EU Member State, the Netherlands must meet the requirements of the DWU and as such the AES, by the end of November 2023 at the latest. Do you wish to know when you can or must take action? We will keep you informed of the planning of AES Exit on this site.

Transition period ends on 30 September 2023

If your company plays a role in exporting goods that have left the EU, you had until 30 September 2023 to switch to AES.

Questions about the transition to AES?

Many questions about the introduction of AES that are important to market parties were answered during a Customs webinar (in Dutch). Alternatively, consult AES Exit: where to go in case of questions.

Time limits for submitting presentation notification will change from 30 October 2023

From 30 October 2023, Customs will gradually shorten the time limit for submitting the presentation notification of goods leaving the EU. This change has consequences for exporters, forwarders, carriers, shipping agents, stevedores, handling agents, airlines and software developers.

Changes from 30 October 2023

Customs always accepted an presentation notification of goods at the loading location up to seven days after departure of the exiting means of transport. From 30 October 2023, there will be a gradual reduction in the permitted number of days between the departure time of the exiting means of transport and the presentation notification of the goods at the loading location. On 30 October, the time limit for submitting the presentation notification changed from seven to five days after departure of the exiting means of transport.

On 13 November, the time limit is reduced to three days and from 27 November to zero days. From this date, Customs will no longer accept the presentation notification if the exiting means of transport has already departed. This means Customs complies with the AES regulations that will apply in the EU from 30 November 2023.

The change only affects all presentation notifications submitted to Customs via the so-called AAX message and not the so-called ARX messages. The gradual reduction of the permitted number of days gives you more time to adapt your procedures to the new time limit.

What are the consequences of an presentation notification that is submitted too late?

If an presentation notification is submitted too late, Customs will send an error message to the person submitting the presentation notification (error code 6282 ‘Arrival of goods cannot be reported after departure MoT’). Without an presentation notification, the customs office of exit will not confirm the exit of the goods to the customs office of export. As an exporter, you will therefore not receive confirmation that the goods have left the EU. You may need this confirmation as part of your VAT administration.

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