Customs National Tactical Centre (DLTC)

The Customs National Tactical Centre (DLTC) plays an important role in the collection and processing of data. The objective is correct risk selection. The risk selection is also used by other enforcement agencies. The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) and the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) use the Prisma system for selecting containers, for example. These services relay the risks and parameters they would like to have selected, and Dutch Customs include this information in the risk selection for incoming and outgoing goods traffic.

The methods for risk selection are continuously updated, applying innovative techniques, such as a filtering method. For example, there is a filter that scans a large set of data to determine which consignments deviate from the normal pattern of movements, and selects consignments on that basis. This technique is also used for selections on behalf of other enforcing bodies, which is how Dutch Customs fulfil its managing role in the supervision of the cross-border movement of goods.

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