Expertise Centre for Cross-border Authorisations

Within Dutch Customs, the Expertise Centre for Cross-border Authorisations ('Expertisecentrum Grensoverschrijdende Vergunningen', ECGOV) is responsible for coordinating authorisations involving more than 1 Member State (hereafter names 'Cross-border authorisations').

Cross-border authorisations for special procedures

You are eligible for a Cross-border authorisation if you apply for one or more of the following customs procedures in more than one EU Member State:

  • Customs warehouse
  • Inward processing
  • Temporary import
  • Outward processing
  • End-use

Cross-border authorisations for Entry in the Declarant's Records

You can also apply for Cross-border authorisation the declaration procedure ‘Entry in the Declarant's Records for free circulation' or ‘Entry in the Declarant's Records for placing under a special procedure’.

It is also possible to apply for a Cross-border authorisation Entry in the Declarant's Records for export. You can only apply for and use this authorisation as long as the transitional measures of the Customs Union Code are in force.

These authorisations are better known as the Single Authorisation for Simplified Procedures (SASP). Such an authorisation will enable you to file a declaration in 1 EU Member State for goods that are located in several EU Member States.

Advantages of Cross-border authorisations and SASP

These authorisations and SASP have the following advantages:

  • one central coordination point for the customs offices involved, and one central coordination point for the businesses involved
  • a reduced administrative burden
  • clear customs procedures

Applying for a Cross-border authorisation

Applications for Cross-border authorisations can be submitted to the customs office of the EU Member State where the main records of the businesses involved are located or accessible (e.g., the Netherlands). The ECGOV maintains contact with the customs administrations in other EU Member States and the customs offices in the Netherlands.

If you want to know whether you are eligible for a Cross-border authorisation, or want to receive general information on the subject, please contact the ECGOV.

Contact details

The ECGOV's postal address is:

Douane Rotterdam/kantoor Laan op Zuid/ECGOV
PO Box 3070
6401 DN Heerlen

The address for visitors is:

Laan op Zuid 45
3072 DB Rotterdam

The ECGOV is open Monday through Friday from 8.00 to 16.30 hours.
You can contact the ECGOV by e-mail:

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