Pleasure crafts (boats)
If, as an EU resident, you travel into another EU Member State with a pleasure craft (boat), you must demonstrate that import duties and VAT have been paid for the pleasure boat in 1 of the EU countries. You can do this by means of, for example:
- an invoice
- a statement from the Customs authorities of an EU country
In the Netherlands, Customs - National Yachts Team (Douane - Landelijk Team Jachten) - issues this statement. You apply for the statement using the form Aanvraag Btw-verklaring voor een pleziervaartuig (Application for a VAT statement for a pleasure boat - only available in Dutch). Conditions are attached to the issue of this statement. These conditions are stated in the application form.
Travellers who are not EU residents and who want to stay in the Netherlands with their pleasure boat for a short period of time can be granted a temporary exemption from customs duties and VAT. In this case, however, Customs may first demand 'security' for the customs duties and VAT.
For more information, please call the Customs Information Line.