For businesses: filing tax returns using accounting software
Do you file your returns as an entrepreneur using your own administration software? Then the use of Standard Business Reporting (SBR) (only available in Dutch) is compulsory. SBR is the Dutch national standard for digital exchange of financial information with the public authorities.
In-house developed software
Do you keep your accounts and file your tax returns using software you developed in-house? If so, you can take out a support subscription with us to develop and test your software. This is free of charge. More information is available under 'Informatie voor softwareontwikkelaars' (only available in Dutch).
Signing the tax return
Tax returns that you file using a software package must always be signed with a digital certificate, for example a PKIoverheid services server certificate.
PKIoverheid services server certificate
If you file a tax return using Standard Business Reporting (SBR), you use Digipoort, the secure digital channel of the public authorities. To be able to send and receive messages via Digipoort, you need a PKIoverheid services server certificate. To find out what is required, see Standard Business Reporting (only available in Dutch).
Two-way traffic
Are you using the PKIoverheid certificate? Then you can also receive content messages from us. In this case there is two-way traffic.
Data to your tax service provider
Your tax service provider may receive the details of part of the details of the assessments, notifications and decisions that we send to you. However, the tax service provider needs your permission to receive these so-called Serviceberichten Aanslag (Tax assessment service messages). You can read how the permission procedure works under 'Serviceberichten Aanslag voor uw intermediair' (Service messages for your intermediary, only available in Dutch).
We do NOT send service messages for the payroll tax return.
Return messages
Do you file your tax returns using accounting software? Then you will receive a confirmation of receipt or error message from us.
Tax return overview
Within 2 working days after receipt of your tax return, the status of the tax return will also be updated in our portals.