Forms, explanations and brochures that apply to Customs Transit
Emergency procedures
- Fall-back procedure automation systems (only available in Dutch)
Electronic messaging
- Application form Electronic Messaging Registration
- Information and general conditions Electronic Messaging Registration
Authorised Consignor (ACR)
- EU Trader Portal instructions for use - authorisation Authorised Consignor (ACR) (only available in Dutch)
- Explanation and General Conditions Authorised Consignor (only available in Dutch)
Authorised issuer T2L(F) (ACP)
- EU Trader Portal instructions for use - authorisation Authorised issuer T2L(F) (ACP) (only available in Dutch)
- Explanation and General Conditions that Apply to the Authorised Consignor Authorisation T2L(F) (ACP) (only available in Dutch)
Authorised Consignee (ACE)
- EU Trader Portal instructions for use - authorisation Authorised Consignee (ACE) (only available in Dutch)
- Explanation and General Conditions Authorised Consignee Authorisation (only available in Dutch)
- Irregularities upon Arrival (Authorised Consignee) (only available in Dutch)
Authorised Consignee for TIR operations (ACT)
- EU Trader Portal instructions for use - authorisation Authorised Consignee for TIR operations (ACT) (only available in Dutch)
- Explanation and General Conditions Authorised Consignee Authorisation - TIR operations (only available in Dutch)
- Irregularities upon Arrival (Authorised Consignee) (only available in Dutch)
Use of the electronic transport document procedure as a customs declaration (ETD)
- EU Trader Portal instructions for use - authorisation Use of the electronic transport document procedure as a customs declaration (ETD) (only available in Dutch)
- Explanation and General Conditions Authorisation to use Electronic Transport Document as customs declaration(only available in Dutch)
Simplified procedure for transport by rail with a CIM Bill of Lading
- Application Form for the Simplified Procedure Authorisation for Transport by Rail using the CIM Consignment (for combined transport) (only available in Dutch)
- Explanation and General Conditions Simplified Procedure Authorisation for Transport by Rail using the CIM Consignment (for combined transport) (only available in Dutch)
Use of Seals of a Special Type (SSE)
- EU Trader Portal instructions for use - authorisation Use of Seals of a Special Type (SSE) (only available in Dutch)
- Explanation and General Conditions that apply to the Authorisation to use Seals of a Special Type (only available in Dutch)
Maintaining a regular shipping service (RSS)
- Explanation and General Conditions - Maintaining a regular shipping service (RSS) (only available in Dutch)
Comprehensive guarantee Customs transit including possible reduction or exemption (CGU)
- EU Trader Portal instructions for use - authorisation Comprehensive guarantee Customs transit including possible reduction or exemption (CGU) (only available in Dutch)
- Information and general conditions authorisation Comprehensive guarantee Customs transit including possible reduction or exemption (CGU) (only available in Dutch)
- Certificate of Approval Request in Respect of Road Vehicles (only available in Dutch)
- Request Approval of Container(s) or Swap-body Container(s) (only available in Dutch)
- EORI - Application EORI Number for Companies Headquartered Outside the European Union
- EORI - Application EORI number for Companies Headquartered Inside the Netherlands