Strategic services
As from 1 January 2012, the Strategic Services Act (Wet strategische diensten) applies. This act provides rules on strategic services for strategic goods. The act also contains rules on technical assistance for instruments of torture.
There are three types of strategic services:
- non-physical transfer of software or technology
- technical assistance
- distributive trade services
The act provides when you:
- are allowed to provide technical assistance and when not
- are allowed an exemption
- require an authorisation for the non-physical transfer of software or technology
- require an authorisation for distributive trade services or must submit a notification
You can use the following forms for notifications or applications in connection with strategic services. Also read how to submit the forms.
- Aanvraag Vergunning uitvoer of doorvoer strategische goederen of sanctiegoederen (Application for an authorisation for the export or transit of strategic goods or goods subject to sanctions - only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Vergunning uitvoer/wederuitvoer sanctiegoederen van bijlage II naar Rusland met voorbeeld End-use Certificate/End-User Statement (Application for an authorisation for re-export sanctions goods listed in Annex II to Russia with sample End-use Certificate / End-User Statement - only available in Dutch)
- Bijlage Cryptografische producten (bij de Aanvraag Vergunning uitvoer of doorvoer strategische goederen of sanctiegoederen) (Appendix regarding Cryptographic products (to the Application for a Licence for the export or transit of strategic goods or goods subject to sanctions - only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Vergunning tussenhandel (Application for an authorisation for distributive trade - only available in Dutch)
- Melding Vermissingverklaring (Notification of the loss of a licence - only available in Dutch)
- Mededeling Tussenhandel goederen voor tweeƫrlei gebruik (Notification of Distributive trade of goods for dual use - only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Indelingsverzoek (Application for a Request for classification - only available in Dutch)
More information
More information about strategic services can be found at