How do I obtain a copy of my tax return as a non-resident taxpayer?
You can find your tax return in Mijn Belastingdienst if you have filed your return online, or if someone else has completed your online return for you.
How to download a copy of your return
- Visit Mijn Belastingdienst and log in with your DigiD or a European recognised login tool.
- When you land on the Mijn Belastingdienst homepage, click on 'Correspondentie' (correspondence).
- Find the tax return you need in the overview.
- Click on the link and download your tax return.
- You can save a copy of your tax return to your computer or print it out.
Is your tax return not listed in Mijn Belastingdienst?
Because it concerns an older tax return, for example or because you filed a return on paper? If so, please call the Tax information line for non-resident tax issues. You will receive the copy of your tax return within 2 weeks.
Or send us a letter. We will then send you the copy of your tax return within 8 weeks. Send your letter to:
Belastingdienst/Kennis- en Expertisecentrum Buitenland
Postbus 2865
6401 DJ Heerlen
The Netherlands