Password requirements - for economic operators


  • Your password must be different from any possible previous passwords,
  • It must have at least 8 and no more than 25 characters (a character is a letter, a symbol or a space)
  • It must have at least 3 symbols which did not occur in the former password
  • It must not have more than 3 characters that are the same
  • It must have at least one capital letter
  • It must have at least 4 letters in low case
  • It must have at least 1 digit or a symbol (such as @)
  • It must not have more than 3 symbols
  • It must only have characters that are allowed
  • The following symbols are allowed: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
  • The following characters are not allowed:
    Symbols not set out above, such as: ±, ©, § en ⅓ • Diacritics (accented letters and special letters from different languages), such as ë, Á, ñ, Ç, µ and æ

For more information about passwords and storing these safely, please go to

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