Strategic goods (authorisations for import, export and transit)
Strategic goods are goods which you are not allowed to export, import or transit to certain countries or only under certain conditions. This is for reasons of security and international agreements. It concerns goods which can be used:
- for military purposes
- for both civil and military purposes
- for the production of weapons of mass destruction and/or means of delivery for such weapons
If you do want to export, import or transit strategic goods, you must apply for an authorisation for this or you must submit a notification to the CDIU.
If you want to know whether certain goods are strategic goods, you can submit a request for classification of these goods.
You can use the following forms for notifications or applications in connection with strategic goods. Also read how to submit the forms.
- Aanvraag Internationaal importcertificaat (Application for an International import certificate, only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Internationaal bewijs van ontvangst (Application for an International receipt, only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Vergunning uitvoer of doorvoer strategische goederen of sanctiegoederen (Application for an authorisation for the export or transit of strategic goods or goods subject to sanctions, only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Vergunning uitvoer geavanceerde productieapparatuur voor halfgeleiders (Application for an authorisation to export advanced semiconductor production equipment, only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Vergunning uitvoer of wederuitvoer sanctiegoederen naar Rusland (Application for an authorisation for export or re-export sanctions goods to Russia, only available in Dutch)
- Bijlage Cryptografische producten (bij de Aanvraag Vergunning uitvoer of doorvoer strategische goederen of sanctiegoederen) (Appendix regarding Cryptographic products (to the Application for an authorisation for the export or transit of strategic goods or goods subject to sanctions, only available in Dutch)
- Melding Vermissingverklaring (Notification of the loss of a licence, only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Vergunning invoer sanctiegoederen vanuit Rusland (Application for a Licence for import sanctions goods from Russia, only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Vergunning invoer sanctiegoederen vanuit Belarus (Application for a Licence for import sanctioned goods from Belarus, only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Indelingsverzoek (Application for a Request for classification, only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Registratie UAU/NAV (Application for Registration of a UAU/NAV, only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Ontheffing voor buitenlandse overdracht lijst 1-stoffen (Application for Exemption for foreign transfer of list 1 substances, only available in Dutch)
- Aanvraag Ontheffing voor binnenlandse overdracht lijst 1-stoffen met Bijlage (Application for Exemption for domestic transfer of list 1 substances with Appendix, only available in Dutch)
Deliveries of military goods within the EU and 3 other countries
Do you conduct transactions with military goods in another Member State of the European Union, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein?
- Are you a supplier? Read more about this under: Supplier of military goods
- Are you a buyer? Read more about this under: Buyer of military goods
Supplier of military goods
A supplier needs a transfer licence for the supply of military goods. This could be:
- an individual transfer licence
- a global transfer licence
- a general transfer licence
With a general transfer licence, a supplier is allowed to supply military goods to certified (recognised) buyers of military goods.
The transfer licence is issued by the authorities of the Member State or country of establishment of the supplier.
Buyer of military goods
Does your company buy military goods from a supplier in another Member State of the European Union, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein? In that case, your company can, on request, be certified (recognised) as a buyer of military goods. With this certification, your supplier may send the goods to you using its general transfer licence.
The certification is issued by the authorities of the Member State or country of establishment of the buyer.
Certification is issued if the company meets the certification criteria. Companies established in the Netherlands use the following forms to apply for the certification:
- Application for Certification for buyers of military goods (Aanvraag Certificering afnemer militaire goederen - only available in Dutch)
- Statement from the responsible member of the board for the Application for Certification for buyers of military goods (Verklaring verantwoordelijk directielid bij de Aanvraag Certificering afnemer militaire goederen - only available in Dutch)
These forms are also accompanied by a Summary of self-assessment for the Application for Certification for buyers of military goods.
Before submitting an Application, you should request an initial meeting with Customs (Customs Administration/Eindhoven region, DEI Unit - Customer Management, Telephone +31 40 292 45 44).
The Summary of self-assessment for the Application for Certification for buyers of military goods will be issued to you after the meeting.
More information
More information about the transfer of military goods and the certification of companies can be found on the website