You received a decision granting a reduction – what does this mean?

Did you join the Box 3 mass objection proceedings? And did you subsequently receive a decision granting a reduction (verminderingsbeschikking) regarding 1 or more assessments for the years 2017 to 2020? If so, we used the new method to calculate your box 3 income. This gives you a lower income in box 3, allowing you to get a refund of overpaid tax. The adjustment of your box 3 income may also affect the deduction of your specific medical expenses and donations.

Deduction of specific medical expenses or donations

When your box 3 income goes down, your threshold income will also decrease. This will affect the threshold amount for the deduction of specific medical expenses and donations. It is possible that due to the income decrease you become entitled to this deduction, whereas you previously were not. For more information, go to Drempelbedrag specifieke zorgkosten berekenen (Calculating the threshold amount for specific medical expenses, only available in Dutch).

Informing us about specific medical expenses and donations after filing your return

In case you did not include specific medical expenses and donations in your tax return, you can still submit them to us. You can file a request for reduction online. Select the option 'Box 3: bezwaar en verzoek tot vermindering' (Box 3: objection and request for reduction, only available in Dutch). In this request, you must state the costs incurred, the calculation of the threshold and the deductible amount. You may also indicate how you want to divide the deductible amount between you and your tax partner. You will receive a new decision from us if it turns out that you are eligible for a deduction of specific medical expenses and donations.

Automatic adjustment of the deduction stated in your return

Were you already entitled to deduction of specific medical expenses or donations? In that case, your deduction increases because your threshold decreases. We automatically adjusted this in the decision granting a reduction (verminderingsbeschikking).

Have you filed a tax return with a tax partner? In that case we have applied the same ratio in the distribution of the deductions. You cannot change the distribution of the deductions that you have chosen in your tax return. However, you can ask for a different distribution for the part of your deduction that has been added on by the increase. Do you want to change this? To do so, please file a request for reduction online. Select the option 'Box 3: bezwaar en verzoek tot vermindering' (Box 3: objection and request for reduction, only available in Dutch).

Different distribution of assets and deductions

Did you have a tax partner in the year over which you received a reduction? In our decision, we assumed the same ratio in the distribution of the deductions and the basis for savings and investments between you and your tax partner. You can only adjust this distribution if you or your tax partner’s tax assessment have not become final and conclusive yet. Have both assessments become final and conclusive? Then it is not possible to change this distribution.