Request for reduction after recalculation of box 3 income
You have received a letter about the recalculation of your box 3 income and you disagree with our decision. Does the letter say that you can file a request for a reduction (verzoek tot vermindering) in that case? If so, you can read what to do here.
In your request, please specify what you disagree with
In your request, you must indicate what it is you disagree with. Understanding how the new calculation of the income in box 3 works, will help you write a better motivation for your request. See how we calculate your new box 3 income with the Hulpmiddel Box 3-inkomen (Box 3 Income Tool, only available in Dutch).
Have your assessment number ready
You can find this number on the decision you received about your new income in box 3. If your old income in box 3 is more advantageous to you, please use the number of your old final assessment. You can also find this assessment online in Mijn Belastingdienst (only available in Dutch).
File your request online
You can submit your request for reduction online using your DigiD:
- Open the Bezwaarformulier (Objections form, only available in Dutch).
- Select the assessment number.
- Select the option 'Box 3: bezwaar en verzoek tot vermindering' (Box 3: objection and request for reduction).
- Complete and submit the form.
We will do everything we can to respond to your request within 8 weeks
In the meantime, you can follow-up on the status of your request online. Within 1 day your request will appear in the Overzicht bezwaren en verzoeken (Objections and requests overview, only available in Dutch).
Unable to submit your request online?
If you are unable to submit your request online, please send it by post.
Include the following in your letter:
- your name and address
- the date on which you send the letter
- the assessment number of the assessment for which you are requesting a reduction
- the reason for the reduction
- your signature at the bottom of the letter
To enable us to better process your request, please attach the following documents:
- a copy of the assessment to which your objection or request relates
- documents to support your request, e.g. proof of payment
Send the letter to your tax office. You will find the address on your assessment.
Check the status of your written request online
After 7 working days, you can check the status of your request online (only available in Dutch) using your DigiD.