Old portal has closed: switch to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk

Since 1 July 2024, the old portal for entrepreneurs is closed. The secure place on our website where entrepreneurs from outside the European Union (EU) submit a VAT declaration for the EU VAT One Stop Shop has also been closed. Switch to the Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk portal now. Or manage your business tax affairs with accounting software or via a tax service provider.

Most recently updated on: 1 July 2024

Not all information is available yet. As soon as we know more, we will publish it on this page.

Logging in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk

To log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, you need DigiD, eHerkenning or a European approved digital identity (eID, European login). Which type of login you use depends on your legal form.

Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk

Check how to log in:

eHerkenning without KVK number

You can apply for eHerkenning if you do not have to register or you cannot register with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK). With eHerkenning without KVK number you can only log in to the Netherlands Tax Administration.

This means that eHerkenning is available for legal forms:

  • that do not have to register with KVK: sole proprietors, partnerships, associations with limited legal capacity and religious organisations
  • that cannot register with KVK: cooperation agreements, European companies (Societas European), European economic interest groups, foreign legal forms, fiscal unities for VAT purposes and mutual funds

More information about logging in with eHerkenning, which type you need and how to apply for eHerkenning, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.

Please note!

We are exploring the possibility of a compensation scheme for eHerkenning without KVK number. As soon as we know more, we will publish it on this page.

Switch to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk now

Find out what applies to you:

  • You submitted a VAT return or ICP declaration through the old portal

    Most recently updated on: 1 July 2024

    Since 1 July 2024, it is no longer possible to submit VAT returns, supplements or Intra-Community transactions declarations (ICP) through the old portal. This means you will have to arrange your VAT affairs in a different way. You can choose one of the following 3 options:

    • via Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
      You need eHerkenning for this. Or DigiD if you a sole proprietor or self-employed person.
    • using accounting software
      In this case, you do not need DigiD or eHerkenning.
    • via a tax service provider
      In this case, you yourself do not need DigiD or eHerkenning.

    Apply for your new login now and make the switch

    You will not receive your eHerkenning login immediately after your application. Please note that the supplier needs to check your eHerkenning request. This takes time. So apply for your new login as soon as possible. Once you have the login, you can immediately log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.

    More information about how to apply for eHerkenning and which type you need, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.

    eHerkenning for fiscal unities for VAT purposes

    eHerkenning without KVK number is also available for fiscal unities for VAT purposes. Depending on which supplier you choose, you purchase a new login for your fiscal unity, or you add your fiscal unity as an additional organisation.

    If one of the businesses within the fiscal unity already has eHerkenning, they can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk on behalf of the fiscal unity for VAT purposes. How to do this, is explained at Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk login and authorisation, under 'You have a fiscal unity for VAT purposes'. Please note that this is a temporary way of logging in. At a later date you will need to purchase eHerkenning for your fiscal unity for VAT purposes. As soon as we know more, we will publish it on this page.

    Make sure to file your return on time

    • You must always file a VAT return, even if you have nothing to declare over the time period for which you must file a return.
    • You will find the due dates for filing your VAT return and for payment in the overview with filing and payment dates.
    • In the letter 'Vaststelling belastingplicht' (tax liability assessment) you will find for which time period you must file a return. This can be monthly, quarterly or annually.
    • You can make the (one-time) choice to file your tax return with accounting software or via a tax service provider.
  • You applied for dividend tax refunds via the old portal

    Most recently updated on: 1 July 2024

    Since 1 July 2024, you can no longer request dividend tax returns via the old portal. This means you will have to arrange your dividend tax refund in a different way. You can choose one of the following 2 options:

    • via Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
      You need eHerkenning for this. Or DigiD if you a sole proprietor, self-employed person, or if you are not an entrepreneur. Do you have the nationality of a country that is covered under the eIDAS Regulation? Then you can log in with a European approved digital identity (European login).
    • via a tax service provider
      In this case, you yourself do not need DigiD or eHerkenning.

    Apply for your new login now and make the switch

    You will not receive your eHerkenning login immediately after your application. Please note that the supplier needs to check your eHerkenning request. This takes time. So apply for your new login as soon as possible. Once you have the login, you can immediately log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.

    More information about how to apply for eHerkenning and which type you need, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.

  • You are an entrepreneur outside the EU and you submit an EU VAT declaration

    Most recently updated on: 1 July 2024

    Since 1 July 2024, you can no longer use the portal on the secure part of our website to submit VAT declarations for the EU VAT One Stop. This means you will have to arrange your VAT affairs in a different way. You can choose one of the following 3 options:

    Apply for eHerkenning now and make the switch

    You will not receive your eHerkenning login immediately after your application. Please note that the supplier needs to check your eHerkenning request.This takes time. So apply for eHerkenning as soon as possible. Once you have your eHerkenning login, you can immediately log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.

    More information about how to apply for eHerkenning and which type you need, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.

You are a tax service provider and want to log in on behalf of a client

Find out what applies to you:

  • Tax service providers with a KVK number

    As tax service provider (intermediary) you can use eHerkenning to log in on behalf of a client. In that case, your client does not need eHerkenning. In that case, your client does not need eHerkenning. However, you do need permission to log in on behalf of your client. This is done through chain authorisation. Your eHerkenning supplier knows how this authorisation works.

    More information can be found at eHerkenning for tax service providers (chain authorisations).

  • Tax service providers without a KVK number

    Most recently updated on: 1 July 2024

    Are you a tax service provider and are you not registered with KVK, for example because you are established outside of the Netherlands? With eHerkenning you are able to log in on behalf of a client. You need the clients permission to do so, which you can arrange through chain authorisation.

    eHerkenning without KVK number with chain authorisation

    Unfortunately, chain authorisation is currently only available to tax service providers with a KVK number. We expect that chain authorisations will be available to foreign tax service providers during 2024.

    This is what you can do now to use chain authorisation in the future:

    1. You register as a foreign company. That is done with the Registration form Foreign companies. This form is also available in German: Anmeldung Unternehmen im Ausland. Fill in the form, print it and send it to us. Once we have processed your registration, we will send you a letter with your fiscal number (registration number). Do you already have a registration number? Then you can skip this step.
    2. You purchase eHerkenning without KVK number and use your registration number for the application. Go to eherkenning.nl/en/eh3-without-kvk-number and choose a supplier from the overview. Keep in mind that eHerkenning is not free and that the supplier needs to check your eHerkenning request.
    3. You arrange the consent of your clients once chain authorisation is available. Your eHerkenning supplier will tell you how to do this. As soon as we know when chain authorisation will be available to you, you will find information on this page.

    Arranging tax affairs for clients without chain authorisation

    If you do not want to use eHerkenning, you can purchase commercial (Dutch) software with which you can arrange tax affairs for your clients. Select a software package that does not require foreign tax service providers to obtain a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) services server certificate from the Dutch government ('PKIoverheid').

Why is Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk replacing the old portal?

Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk is the portal for all your business tax affairs. Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk meets the latest privacy and security requirements and is more user-friendly. For example, it allows you to save, modify and review your tax returns at any time. Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk also works better on tablets and smartphones.