Table 2a/2b: tax credits for wage tax/national insurance contributions up to the state pension age 2023

All amounts in this table are on an annual basis.

Tax credit Younger than state pension age Particulars
Amount Percentage
General tax credit € 3,070 For taxable wages up to € 22,660
Phasing out of general
tax credit

6.095 % For taxable wages of more than € 22,660, but less than € 73,031
€ 3.070 Reached at € 73,031
Employed person’s tax credit
1st accrual rate

8.231 % For wages from current employment up to € 10.740
€ 884
Employed person’s tax credit
2nd accrual rate

29.861 % For wages from current employment of € 10,740 to € 23,201
€ 3.721
Employed person’s tax credit
3rd accrual rate

3.085 % For wages from current employment from € 23,201
€ 447 Reached at € 37,691
Total employed person’s
tax credit 1st, 2nd and 3rd
accrual rate maximum
€ 5,052
Phasing out of employed person’s
tax credit

Maximum phasing out
6.510 % For wages from current employment of € 37,691
€ 5,052 Reached at € 115,295
Young disabled person’s tax credit € 820

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