My child goes to a childcare centre
Does your child go to a childcare centre? If so, you may be entitled to the childcare benefit. This is a contribution towards the costs of childcare.
Conditions for the childcare benefit
These are the conditions for you and your possible benefit partner:
- You have a job or you take part in a reintegration programme, a civic integration course or a training programme.
- The childcare centre or childminding agency is registered. In case of childminding services, the childminder must be registered as well.
- Both you and your child live in the same house and are registered with the municipality at this address.
- You concluded a contract with the childcare centre or childminding agency.
- You pay the costs of the childcare.
- Do you have the nationality of an EU country, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland or Switzerland? Then you do not need a valid residence permit, but you should have a right of residency. We will get this information from your municipality. Please check the IND-website for more information.
- Are you from another country? If so, you need a valid residence permit that entitles you to benefits. Read more on the IND-website.
A foreign childcare centre must be registered as well. Check the Register of foreign childcare (Register buitenlandse kinderopvang - only available in Dutch) to see if your childcare centre is registered.
Does your partner live outside and EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland? Since 4 March 2022 you may be entitled to the childcare benefit if both you and your partner meet the conditions stated above.
For how many hours may I receive the childcare benefit?
You are eligible to the childcare benefit for a maximum of 230 hours per month per child. This applies to everyone who is entitled to the childcare benefit. It doesn't matter how many hours you work. And whether you work or study, for example.
In 2022 (and prior) the number of hours for which you could receive the child benefit, depended on the number of hours worked by the parent with the fewest working hours. Please refer to our calculation tool (in Dutch) if you wish to know how many hours of childcare benefit you were entitled to in 2022.
Applying for benefits yourself
You can apply for the childcare benefit yourself. Information about how to do this can be found under I want to apply for a benefit.
Submit changes on time
Is there any change in the details used to calculate your benefit, for example your income or the number of childcare hours? In that case, you have to notify us of this change. Information on how to do this can be found under I want to submit a change.